Index of J120140.3-061732

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Cone Search  (uses cookies)

 Name look up : 
 (paste J2000 below)
 Position J
 Radius     arcminutes
 RMS    ≤    microJy
  Scale (?5 GHz)/frequency
  Do not scale search radius

Separate VLA images:

  • NVSS (AllSky 1.4 GHz/45")
  • FIRST (SDSS 1.4 GHz/5")
  • Spitzer FLS (1.4 GHz/5")
  • VLSS (AllSky 75 MHz/80")
  • NRAO Image Gallery


    Version 2022-Sep-02 [an error occurred while processing this directive]
  • Index of J120140.3-061732     Generated on 2010 Jul 12 (10:46 MDT)
    These images were generated on a best effort basis using the VLA pipeline in AIPS. Please realize that errors can be made in such an automated process. If you encounter a problem with any of these images or have a question regarding the process or their use in your research, please let us know and we will do our best to improve this service for you and everyone else using your input. Note that these images also include non-detections, so some of them really are empty..
    Thank you in advance!

    The columns below describe the following:

    • Basic Info lists the truncated J2000 position of the field center, the offset to the search position (if this is a position search) in arcminutes, date of observation, observing frequency in GHz and the date of pipeline processing.
    • UV Info lists the observed polarizations, shortest and longest VLA-arms (D=1km, C=3km, B=11km, A=36km, P=Pie Town link=75km), number of antennas used in the observation (though some may have been flagged as bad), the subarray setting of the array (1-5), a link to the calibrated single source uv FITS file and it's size (in red).
    • JPEG shows a thumbnail of the pipeline image. Clicking it will show you a larger version in the browser. Both JPEG images have a square transfer function to emphasize the lower levels a bit more; do not use the JPEGs for scientific purposes (see next). As a guideline, the lighter a thumbnail, the less difference between the peak flux density and the rms noise level, i.e., don't expect to see too much in in light gray images, especially if the rms noise given in the next column is in the order of microJy or less. On the other hand, dark images have a strong source in there somewhere.. (try looking in the center of the image).
    • Image Info lists the image polarization, approximate beam size of the restoring beam (mean of major and minor axes) in arcseconds, the radius of the field of view of the image in units of angle, the approximate noise level in prefixed units of Jansky, and a link to the image FITS file and it's size (in red).
      Download these FITS files for scientific purposes!
    • Links is a collection of links that will show you the GIF uv-coverage and visibility plot for this data set in pop-up windows. See the README file on how to interpret these plots. They'll also get you to the project pipelining scripts and information log files as well as the full multi-source archive data on this project.

    The list should be sorted, with decreasing weight, according to increasing R.A., increasing frequency and increasing image noise. If still equal, sorting probably favors smaller field of views over smaller beam sizes in the list ordering.

    Basic Info UV Info JPEG Image Info Links
    12h 1m40.3s   -6d17'32"
    (J2000 image center)

    1983 NOV 10
    4.89 GHz (C-band)
    Version: 2010 Jun 03
    Full polarization
    A/A configuration
    27 antennas
    subarray 1
    Calibrated uv-FITS
    Stokes I
    Beam = 0.42 arcsec
    fov: R = 48.6 arcsec
    rms = 109. microJy
    Download FITS image
    General data log
    u-v data coverage
    Re-Im data plot
    visibility plot
    AIPS pipeline runs
    Original u-v data
    Basic Info UV Info JPEG Image Info Links
    12h 1m40.3s   -6d17'32"
    (J2000 image center)

    1983 AUG 29
    14.9 GHz (U-band)
    Version: 2009 Nov 04
    Full polarization
    A/A configuration
    26 antennas
    subarray 1
    Calibrated uv-FITS
    Stokes I
    Beam = 0.14 arcsec
    fov: R = 42.9 arcsec
    rms = 423. microJy
    Download FITS image
    General data log
    u-v data coverage
    Re-Im data plot
    visibility plot
    AIPS pipeline runs
    Original u-v data
    Basic Info UV Info JPEG Image Info Links

    Beam me up!
    Phone home