VLA Test/Observation Coordination Meeting B.G. Clark July 21, 2005 1. EVLA The new digitizers & data transmission system modules seem to be working. There is a problem, probably software, which is causing a very high apparent phase rate at the L band standard frequency, and at other frequencies here and there. A possible cause has been suggested. It is planned to equip antenna 16 with four IFs soon, so that we are approaching a fully equipped antenna (although the downconverters are still an interim design). Antenna 14 will need rack rewiring to be equipped with four IFs, so it is being taken out of operation until this is done. The L352 round trip phase meter is approaching operational state. P. Napier wonders if the high frequencies are usable at all without this being applied. B. Clark responded that this depends on how the fiber is responding. It may be that the fiber changes during the usual source-calibrator-source cycle are small - we just wont know until the L352 is installed on an antenna. K. Sowinski notes that the high frequencies are really much more limited by the fact that we do not yet know the pointing behavior of antennas 14 and 16 at all well. 2. 200 MHz system None of the usual 200 MHz people were present. P. Napier reported secondhand, that the G/T ratio of the prototype systems is lower than expected. Modest changes are being made to try to recoup some of that in the production systems to be installed. It has been determined that the impact on the current L and P band systems is small. S. Durand noted problems with usage of the 200 MHz system for test during maintenance days. P. van Buskirk said she will try to ensure that operations coordinate, and that getting the maintenance done would be the first priority on maintenance days.