After the January 11, 2010 VLA
correlator shut-down this page has become obsolete and will not be
maintained any further. For EVLA observing using the new WIDAR
correlator please refer to the new VLA page, in particular
the new
version of this page.
VLA/EVLA Configuration Plans and Proposal Deadlines
The antennas in the Very Large Array are used like the zoom lens
in a camera. When they are in the A configuration, the telescopes
extend over the 21 kilometer (13 mile) length of each arm. This
simulates a single dish that is 36 kilometers (22 miles) in
diameter. In this configuration, we have the most magnification and
can see the greatest detail. The size of the array gradually
decreases with the B and C configurations until, in the D
configuration, the telescopes are all placed within .6 kilometer (.4
mile) of the center. In the smaller configurations, scientists can
study the overall structure of the source they are observing. By
observing the same source in each configuration, scientists can gather
a great deal more information.
The telescopes are moved about every four months. The
configurations listed below with a lower-case "n", such as "DnC" and
"BnA" are hybrid configurations in which the antennas on the east and
west arms are moved in for the next configuration, but those on the
north arm remain extended for a short time to enhance our view of
sources in the southern sky.
At the end of the VLA D configuration in 2010 Jan the VLA
correlator will be turned off, and the VLA will not be available for
an interval of up to 2 months while hardware is moved from the VLA
correlator to the new correlator for the Expanded Very Large Array
(EVLA). When observing resumes with the EVLA, it will be in the D
configuration. For the EVLA, the order of the configurations will be:
D, DnC, C, CnB, B, BnA, A. For more information on the EVLA, see the
Observational Status Summary.
Modified on
Monday, 25-Jan-2016 10:48:43 MST by schedsoc