AIPS version = /home/auto/aips/31DEC07/LINUX/SYSTEM/VLA_PIPE/aips Prep version = Dec 29 17:00 /home/alfirk2/vlbacald/bin/AVLAPREP.001 ------------- Pops Prior Date Time Task Messages for user18273 1 0 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS version'ABIN' 1 0 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS run avlaprep 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS Found in Version=ABIN 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS $ Lorant Sjouwerman, versions 1.. 2005, for NRAO 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS $$ General naming utilities - default to data disk 1 (safest of all) 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS procedure pipedef1 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS string*12 pnam 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS string*6 pcls 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS scalar pseq,pdsk 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS pdsk=1 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS finish 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS pipedef1 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS procedure namepipe 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS pnam=inname;pcls=inclass;pseq=inseq;indisk=pdsk 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS finish 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS procedure pipename 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS inname=pnam;inclass=pcls;inseq=pseq;indisk=pdsk 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS finish 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS procedure checkcat 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS $LOS - count and make sure catalog starts at one (and not more than 10 files) 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS scalar numcat 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS clrname;indisk=pdsk;chkname;numcat=1-error 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS $ for later: find out how to deal with CH0/LINE data in MOVE 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if(numcat>0)then;recat;end;clrtemp 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS return numcat 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS finish 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS procedure gx 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS $ inputs 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS go;wait 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS finish 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS procedure pre_fillm 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS $LOS - sets VLA archive defaults for fillm 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS default fillm;outdisk=pdsk;doall=1;douvcomp=-1;cparm(8)=0.05;bparm(10)=0.75 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS finish 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS procedure fname 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS return inname!!'.'!!inclass!!'.'!!char(inseq) 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS finish 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS procedure del 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS error=1;zap 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS finish 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS procedure numants 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS scalar numarow,numbout,numbant,numbase,idx;string*16 nameant 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS numbout=0;keyword'NUM ROW';inext'AN';invers=0;getthead;numarow=keyvalue(1) 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS for numbant=1:numarow 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS pixxy=numbant,1,0;tabget;nameant=keystrng;idx=1;clrtemp 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS while(substr(nameant,idx,idx)<>':');idx=idx+1;end 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if(substr(nameant,idx+1,idx+3)='OUT')then;numbout=numbout+1;end 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if(substr(nameant,idx+2,idx+4)='OUT')then;numbout=numbout+1;end 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS end;numbase=(numarow-numbout);clrtemp 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS $ type char(numarow-numbout)!!' ANTENNAS',char(numbase)!!' BASELINES' 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS return numbase 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS finish 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS procedure skipdata 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS $LOS - delete unwanted data sets - currently all but continuum X and C bands 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS $ if(inclass='LINE')then;del;inclass'CH 0';del;type'ZAP LINE :'fname;end 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if((inclass='CH 0')!(inclass='LINE'))then;del;type'ZAP LINE :'fname;end 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if(inclass='4 BAND')then;del;type'ZAP 4-BAND :'fname;end 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if(inclass='P BAND')then;del;type'ZAP P-BAND :'fname;end 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS $ if(inclass='L BAND')then;del;type'ZAP L-BAND :'fname;end 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS $ if(inclass='U BAND')then;del;type'ZAP U-BAND :'fname;end 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS $ if(inclass='K BAND')then;del;type'ZAP K-BAND :'fname;end 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS $ if(inclass='Q BAND')then;del;type'ZAP Q-BAND :'fname;end;clrtemp 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if(error<1)then $ file not zapped, check for single dish vlbi; #vis=0 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS task'TABGET';userid 0;inext'NX';invers=0;keyvalue=0;keystrng'' 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS keyword'NUM ROW';getthead;pixxy=keyvalue(1),6,0;tabget;clrtemp 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if(keyvalue(1)=0)then;del;type'ZAP S-DISH :'fname;end 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if(error<1)then;idx=numants $ file not zapped, check for # ants (<9) 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if(idx<9)then;del;type'ZAP MINI-ARRAY ('!!char(idx)!!') :'!!fname 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS end;clrtemp;end;end 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS $also zap if solar/planetary/pulsar mode - su table proper motion?? 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS $ and what about PT-link? antenna VPT is not OUT, later also EVLA names 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS finish 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS procedure checkids 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS $LOS - account for fast switching source names - check on pos, qual, calco 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS scalar ra1a,ra1b,ra2a,ra2b,dc1a,dc1b,dc2a,dc2b,n,m,l,idx 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS scalar q1,q2 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS string*1 co1,co2 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS string*16 n1,n2 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS array alist(100),blist(100) 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS inext'SU';invers 0;keyword'NUM ROW';keyvalue 0;keystrng'';getthead 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS n=keyvalue(1);idx=1;aparm 0;bparm 0;alist 0;blist 0 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if (n > 1) then 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS for m=1:(n-1);clrtemp 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS pixxy m,11;tabget;ra1a keyvalue(1);ra1b keyvalue(2) 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS for l=(m+1):n;clrtemp 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS pixxy l,11;tabget;ra2a keyvalue(1);ra2b keyvalue(2) 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if (abs(ra1a-ra2a)=0) then 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if ( abs((ra1b-ra2b)*3600*1000) < 3 ) then $ RA within 3 mas! 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS pixxy m,12;tabget;dc1a keyvalue(1);dc1b keyvalue(2) 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS pixxy l,12;tabget;dc2a keyvalue(1);dc2b keyvalue(2) 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if (abs(dc1a-dc2a)=0) then 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if ( abs((dc1b-dc2b)*3600*1000) < 3 ) then $ DC within 3 mas! 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS pixxy m,3;tabget;q1 keyvalue(1);pixxy l,3;tabget;q2 keyvalue(1) 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if (q1=q2) then $ same qualifier; same calcode? 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS pixxy m,4;tabget;co1 keystrng;pixxy l,4;tabget;co2 keystrng 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if (co1=co2) then 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS pixxy m,1;tabget;q1 keyvalue(1) 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS pixxy l,1;tabget;q2 keyvalue(1) 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS pixxy m,2;tabget;n1 keystrng;pixxy l,2;tabget;n2 keystrng 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if (idx>100) then; 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS type 'TOO MANY SOURCES TO DO DSORC - DO BY HAND!' 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS type 'NEXT =.'!!char(idx)!!' DO:'!!char(l)!!'.&.'!!char(m) 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS else 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if (length(n1)1) then;task'DSORC';n=0 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS outname inname;outclass inclass;outseq inseq;outdisk indisk 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS while (n100)then;type'TOO MANY SOURCES FOR DSORC';error 1;end;clrtemp 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS end 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS finish 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS procedure checkcal 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS $LOS Currently (Sep 22, 2005) can/will do 3C286 and 3C48 at X and C 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS $LOS (and for now skip 3C286/3C48/3C138/3C147 Q,K,U and 3C48 L) 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS scalar idx,jdx 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS string*16 sname 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS task'TABGET';userid 0;inext'SU';invers=0;keyvalue=0;keystrng'';error=1 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS keyword'NUM ROW';getthead;idx=keyvalue(1);clrtemp 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS for jdx=1:idx 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS pixxy=jdx,2,0;tabget;sname=substr(keystrng,1,length(keystrng)) 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if(sname='3C286')then;error=-1;jdx=idx+1;end 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if(sname='3C48')then;error=-1;jdx=idx+1;end 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if(sname='3C138')then;error=-1;jdx=idx+1;end 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if(sname='3C147')then;error=-1;jdx=idx+1;end 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if(sname='3C295')then;error=-1;jdx=idx+1;end 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if(error>0)then $ try B1950 name 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if(sname='1328+307')then;error=-1;jdx=idx+1;end 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if(sname='0134+329')then;error=-1;jdx=idx+1;end 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if(sname='0518+165')then;error=-1;jdx=idx+1;end 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if(sname='0538+498')then;error=-1;jdx=idx+1;end 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if(sname='1409+524')then;error=-1;jdx=idx+1;end 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if(error>0)then $ try J2000 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if(sname='1331+305')then;error=-1;jdx=idx+1;end 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if(sname='0137+331')then;error=-1;jdx=idx+1;end 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if(sname='0521+166')then;error=-1;jdx=idx+1;end 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if(sname='0542+498')then;error=-1;jdx=idx+1;end 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if(sname='1411+522')then;error=-1;jdx=idx+1;end 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if(error>0)then $ try J2000 name 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if(sname='J1331+3030')then;error=-1;jdx=idx+1;end 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if(sname='J0137+3309')then;error=-1;jdx=idx+1;end 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if(sname='J0521+1638')then;error=-1;jdx=idx+1;end 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if(sname='J0542+4951')then;error=-1;jdx=idx+1;end 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if(sname='J1411+5212')then;error=-1;jdx=idx+1;end 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS end;end;end;clrtemp 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS end 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS $ if error>0 check on coords (for different name than standard) 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS $ but keyval not reliable to do this.. ?? 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS $ end 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if(error>0)then;del;type'ZAP - NO STD CAL SRC FOR :'fname;error=1 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS else;checkids;error=-1;end;clrtemp 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS finish 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS procedure j2000fix 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS $LOS - convert data to J2000 by default use of uvfix 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS task'UVFIX';outname=inname;outclass=inclass;outseq=inseq;outdisk=indisk 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS shift=0;uvfixprm=0;tput uvfix;outclass'PREFIX';rename 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS tget uvfix;inclass'PREFIX';gx;zap;inclass=outclass;clrtemp 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS finish 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS procedure datachks 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS $LOS - delete unwanted data sets, check for standard calibrators and make J2000 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if(error<1)then $ file exists 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS skipdata;if(error<1)then $ file was not zapped 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS checkcal;if(error<1)then $ file has standard calibrator in it 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS j2000fix 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS $ addcalco 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS end;end;end;clrtemp 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS finish 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS procedure freqchks 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS $LOS - split up in frequency IDs, run INDXR, and remove 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS scalar rows, nfrq 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if(error<1)then $ file exists 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS inext'FQ';invers=1;keyword='NUM ROW';getthead;nfrq=keyvalue(1) 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if (nfrq > 1) then 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS if (nfrq > 9) then;type' WARNING! MORE THAN 9 FREQUENCY ID-S!';end 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS tput getthead;default'UVCOP';tget getthead;keyword='';task'UVCOP';tput 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS for rows=1:nfrq 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS pixxy=rows,1,1;inver=1;inext='FQ';tabget;tget;freqid=keyvalue(1) 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS outclass=substr(inclass,1,1)!!substr(inclass,3,6)!!char(freqid) 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS type'COPYING FREQUENCY ID #'!!char(freqid);gx 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS default'INDXR';tget uvcop;task'INDXR';inclass outclass;gx;task'DQUAL' 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS $out not in! ** outname=inname;outclass=inclass;outseq=inseq;outdisk=indisk;gx 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS tget uvcop;freqid=1;clrtemp 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS end;end;end;if(nfrq>1)then;type fname!!' SPLIT IN :'!!char(nfrq);zap;end 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS finish 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS procedure pre_move 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS $LOS - moves file to another AIPS user number 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS default move;indisk=pdsk;outseq=-1;opcode'MOVE';clrtemp 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS finish 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS procedure expid 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS string*20 expnm 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS string*75 expmsg 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS return expnm 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS finish 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS type expid 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS ' ' 1 0 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS compress 1 0 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS type'EMPTY CATALOG ?' checkcat 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS 'EMPTY CATALOG ?' 0 1 0 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS default prtmsg;outprint'ARUN:'!!'AG617_2001SEP14_1.fill.log 1 0 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS docrt=-3;prnumber=-1;tput prtmsg;docrt 1 1 0 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS pre_fillm 1 0 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS infile'AVIS:AG617_2001SEP14_1_' 1 0 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS ncount 1;vlaobs 'AG617';cparm(6) 1 1 0 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS gx 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM Task FILLM (release of 31DEC07) begins 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM Shadow flag limit = 2.500E+01 meters. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM Opacity correction in CL table weighted average of weather and 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM season. Weight for weather = 0.50 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM Gain curve correction in CL table read from file, 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM with variation as function of antenna and band. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM Opening AVIS:AG617_2001SEP14_1_1 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM *** ATTENTION - default: loading subarray 1 *** 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM tape file # 1, start date/time = 20010914/14:44:50 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM Program = AG617 ; Tape revision number = 26. 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM Create 20010914 .L BAND. 1 (UV) on disk 1 cno 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 6 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM FLMFQ: FQ entry tolerance = 1.000E+02 1.000E+02 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM Found 0812+307 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 14:44:50.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM Trying to access VLA antenna gains file... 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM ZTXOP2: using translated file name = 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM ZTXOP2: /home/auto/aips/TEXT/IONS/VLA.GAINS 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 AIPS Resumes 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM Create 20010914 .K BAND. 1 (UV) on disk 1 cno 2 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM Found 0822+330 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 14:45:20.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.169 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.171 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.169 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.170 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM Create 20010914 .X BAND. 1 (UV) on disk 1 cno 3 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM Found 0822+330 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 14:47:50.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM Create 20010914 .C BAND. 1 (UV) on disk 1 cno 4 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM Found 0822+330 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 14:48:30.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM Found 0822+330 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 14:49:00.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:00 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Found 0741+312 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 14:53:30.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Found 0741+312 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 14:54:10.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.169 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Found 0741+312 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 14:55:10.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Found 0741+312 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 14:55:40.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Found 0854+201 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:00:30.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Found 0854+201 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:01:10.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.169 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Found 0854+201 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:02:10.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Found 0854+201 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:02:40.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Found 0818+230 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:06:50.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.169 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Found 0818+230 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:09:10.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Found 0818+230 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:09:50.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Found 0818+230 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:10:20.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Found 0820+246 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:11:10.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.170 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.168 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Found 0820+246 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:13:40.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Found 0820+246 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:14:20.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Found 0820+246 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:14:50.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Found 0840+260 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:19:00.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:01 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.170 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.171 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Found 0840+260 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:21:40.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Found 0840+260 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:22:20.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Found 0840+260 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:22:50.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Found 0843+264 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:23:40.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.169 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.168 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.169 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Found 0843+264 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:26:00.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Found 0843+264 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:26:40.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Found 0843+264 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:27:10.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Found 0846+252 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:28:00.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.169 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.170 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.169 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.168 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Found 0846+252 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:30:30.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Found 0846+252 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:31:10.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM Found 0846+252 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:31:40.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:02 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM Found 0854+201 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:32:30.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM Found 0854+201 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:33:20.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.168 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM Found 0854+201 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:34:20.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM Found 0854+201 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:34:50.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM Found 0856+268 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:36:00.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.167 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.166 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.168 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM Found 0856+268 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:38:30.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM Found 0856+268 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:39:10.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM Found 0856+268 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:39:40.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM Found 0856+239 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:40:30.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.168 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.167 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.168 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.169 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:03 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.168 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Found 0856+239 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:43:00.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Found 0856+239 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:43:40.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Found 0856+239 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:44:10.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Found 0901+261 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:45:00.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.168 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.170 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.169 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.167 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Found 0901+261 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:47:30.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Found 0901+261 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:48:10.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Found 0901+261 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:48:40.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Found 0903+258 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:49:30.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.169 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.168 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.166 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.165 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.164 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Found 0903+258 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:51:50.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Found 0903+258 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:52:30.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Found 0903+258 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:53:00.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Found 0913+264 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:53:50.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.167 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.166 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.167 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.169 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.166 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Found 0913+264 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:56:30.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Found 0913+264 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:57:10.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Found 0913+264 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:57:40.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:04 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Found 0919+250 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 15:58:30.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.164 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.166 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.167 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.166 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 26 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Found 0919+250 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:00:50.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Found 0919+250 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:01:40.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Found 0919+250 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:02:00.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Found 0923+244 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:02:50.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.166 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.165 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.167 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.165 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Found 0923+244 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:05:10.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Found 0923+244 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:05:50.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Found 0923+244 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:06:20.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Found 0930+245 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:07:10.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.166 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.168 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.167 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.165 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Found 0930+245 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:09:40.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Found 0930+245 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:10:20.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Found 0930+245 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:10:50.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Found 0854+201 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:15:30.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Found 0854+201 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:16:10.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.166 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.165 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Found 0854+201 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:17:10.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Found 0854+201 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:17:40.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:05 FILLM Found 0956+252 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:22:50.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Found 0956+252 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:23:30.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.165 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.168 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Found 0956+252 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:24:30.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Found 0956+252 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:25:00.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Found 0949+278 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:25:50.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.166 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.168 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.167 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.168 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.167 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.166 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.167 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Found 0949+278 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:28:20.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Found 0949+278 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:29:00.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Found 0949+278 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:29:30.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Found 1001+266 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:30:20.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.168 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.165 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.166 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.167 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Found 1001+266 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:32:50.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Found 1001+266 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:33:30.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Found 1001+266 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:34:00.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Found 1008+256 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:34:50.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.164 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.163 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.166 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.165 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.166 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.164 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Found 1008+256 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:37:10.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Found 1008+256 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:37:50.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Found 1008+256 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:38:20.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Found 1009+276 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:39:10.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:06 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.164 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.162 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.161 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.162 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.161 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.163 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.161 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Found 1009+276 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:41:40.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Found 1009+276 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:42:20.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Found 1009+276 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:42:50.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Found 0956+252 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:47:00.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Found 0956+252 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:47:40.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.162 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.163 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.162 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Found 0956+252 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:48:40.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Found 0956+252 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:49:10.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Found 0948+226 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:53:30.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.167 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.165 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.163 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.162 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.163 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.166 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.164 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.162 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Found 0948+226 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:56:00.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Found 0948+226 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:56:40.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:07 FILLM Found 0948+226 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:57:10.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:08 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:08 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:08 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:08 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:08 FILLM Found 0949+235 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 16:58:00.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:08 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.162 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.161 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.163 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.162 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.161 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.163 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.164 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Found 0949+235 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 17:00:20.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Found 0949+235 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 17:01:00.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Found 0949+235 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 17:01:30.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Found 0956+221 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 17:02:20.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.162 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.164 1 6 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM MCANT: Bad nom. sens. for ant 20 IF 3 at 0/17:02:50.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.165 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.163 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.161 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.159 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.161 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Found 0956+221 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 17:04:50.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Found 0956+221 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 17:05:30.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Found 0956+221 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 17:06:00.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Found 0957+225 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 17:06:50.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.162 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.161 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.164 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.166 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.163 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.162 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.161 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Found 0957+225 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 17:09:10.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Found 0957+225 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 17:09:50.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Found 0957+225 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 17:10:20.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Found 1007+236 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 17:11:20.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.162 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.165 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.162 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.160 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.162 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.163 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.162 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.161 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Found 1007+236 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 17:13:50.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:09 FILLM Found 1007+236 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 17:14:30.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Found 1007+236 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 17:15:00.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Found 1020+292 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 17:19:50.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.161 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.163 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.161 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.162 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Found 1020+292 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 17:22:20.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Found 1020+292 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 17:23:00.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Found 1020+292 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 17:23:30.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Found 1032+295 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 17:24:20.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.159 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.157 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.158 1 6 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM MCANT: Bad nom. sens. for ant 20 IF 1 at 0/17:26:20.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.157 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.158 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Found 1032+295 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 17:27:00.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Found 1032+295 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 17:27:40.0 1 6 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM MCANT: Bad nom. sens. for ant 20 IF 3 at 0/17:28:10.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Found 1032+295 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 17:28:10.0 1 6 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM MCANT: Bad nom. sens. for ant 20 IF 2 at 0/17:28:30.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Found 0956+252 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 17:33:20.0 1 6 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM MCANT: Bad nom. sens. for ant 20 IF 3 at 0/17:33:30.0 1 6 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM MCANT: Bad nom. sens. for ant 20 IF 3 at 0/17:34:00.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Found 0956+252 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 17:34:00.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.159 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.161 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Found 0956+252 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 17:35:00.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Found 0956+252 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 17:35:30.0 1 6 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM MCANT: Bad nom. sens. for ant 20 IF 1 at 0/17:40:40.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Found 1051+213 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 17:40:40.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Found 1051+213 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 17:41:20.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.157 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.156 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Found 1051+213 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 17:42:20.0 1 6 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM MCANT: Bad nom. sens. for ant 20 IF 2 at 0/17:42:30.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:10 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 6 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM MCANT: Bad nom. sens. for ant 20 IF 1 at 0/17:42:50.0 1 6 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM MCANT: Bad nom. sens. for ant 20 IF 3 at 0/17:42:50.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Found 1051+213 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 17:42:50.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Found 1025+257 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 17:47:10.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.157 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.159 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.160 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.161 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.160 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Found 1025+257 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 17:49:50.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Found 1025+257 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 17:50:30.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Found 1025+257 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 17:51:00.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Found 1033+259 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 17:51:50.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.159 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.161 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.160 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.158 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.160 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.159 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.161 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.162 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Found 1033+259 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 17:54:30.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Found 1033+259 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 17:55:10.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Found 1033+259 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 17:55:40.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Found 1047+266 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 17:59:50.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.158 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.157 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.156 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.157 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.156 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Found 1047+266 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 18:02:20.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Found 1047+266 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 18:03:00.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Found 1047+266 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 18:03:30.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Found 1058+283 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 18:07:50.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.158 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.157 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.158 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:11 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.157 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Found 1058+283 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 18:10:10.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Found 1058+283 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 18:10:50.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Found 1058+283 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 18:11:20.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Found 1051+213 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 18:15:50.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Found 1051+213 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 18:16:30.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.159 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.157 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Found 1051+213 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 18:17:30.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Found 1051+213 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 18:18:00.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Found 1125+261 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 18:22:50.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Found 1125+261 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 18:23:30.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.156 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.157 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.158 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Found 1125+261 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 18:24:30.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Found 1125+261 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 18:25:00.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Found 1106+233 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 18:29:30.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.156 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.158 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.160 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.158 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.157 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.156 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:12 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.157 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:13 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:13 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:13 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:13 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:13 FILLM Found 1106+233 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 18:32:00.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:13 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:13 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:13 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:13 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:13 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:13 FILLM Found 1106+233 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 18:32:40.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:13 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:13 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:13 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:13 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:13 FILLM Found 1106+233 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 18:33:10.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Found 1139+247 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 18:37:40.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.155 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.158 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.159 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.162 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.160 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.158 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.156 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.157 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.158 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.157 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.155 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.158 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Found 1139+247 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 18:40:10.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Found 1139+247 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 18:40:50.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Found 1139+247 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 18:41:20.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Found 1151+234 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 18:42:10.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.155 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.157 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.159 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.158 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.159 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.157 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Found 1151+234 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 18:44:40.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Found 1151+234 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 18:45:20.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Found 1151+234 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 18:45:50.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Found 1153+235 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 18:46:40.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.158 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.157 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.156 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.157 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.156 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Found 1153+235 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 18:49:10.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Found 1153+235 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 18:49:50.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Found 1153+235 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 18:50:20.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Found 1159+251 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 18:54:20.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.155 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.156 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.157 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.159 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.161 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Found 1159+251 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 18:56:40.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:14 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Found 1159+251 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 18:57:20.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Found 1159+251 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 18:57:50.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Found 1125+261 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 19:02:30.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Found 1125+261 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 19:03:10.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.159 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.160 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.161 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Found 1125+261 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 19:04:10.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Found 1125+261 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 19:04:40.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Found 1221+282 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 19:21:50.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Found 1221+282 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 19:22:30.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.153 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.154 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Found 1221+282 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 19:23:30.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Found 1221+282 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 19:24:00.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Found 1240+244 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 19:24:50.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.154 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.153 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.155 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Found 1240+244 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 19:27:30.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Found 1240+244 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 19:28:10.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Found 1240+244 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 19:28:40.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Found 1257+249 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 19:29:40.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.158 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.159 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.158 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.157 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:15 FILLM Found 1257+249 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 19:32:00.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Found 1257+249 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 19:32:40.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Found 1257+249 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 19:33:10.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Found 1241+288 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 19:34:00.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.155 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.157 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.158 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.157 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.156 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Found 1241+288 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 19:36:40.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Found 1241+288 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 19:37:20.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Found 1241+288 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 19:37:50.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Found 1221+282 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 19:42:10.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Found 1221+282 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 19:42:50.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.154 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.153 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.154 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Found 1221+282 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 19:43:50.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Found 1221+282 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 19:44:20.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Found 1330+251 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 19:49:20.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Found 1330+251 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 19:50:00.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.157 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.156 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Found 1330+251 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 19:51:00.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Found 1330+251 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 19:51:30.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Found 1254+299 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 19:52:30.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.154 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.155 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.156 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.157 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.158 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Found 1254+299 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 19:55:00.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:16 FILLM Found 1254+299 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 19:55:40.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Found 1254+299 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 19:56:10.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Found 1301+287 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 19:57:00.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.160 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.159 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.160 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.161 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.160 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Found 1301+287 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 19:59:30.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Found 1301+287 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 20:00:10.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Found 1301+287 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 20:00:40.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Found 1256+272 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 20:05:00.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.161 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Found 1256+272 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 20:06:20.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Found 1256+272 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 20:07:00.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Found 1256+272 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 20:07:30.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Found 1330+251 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 20:11:50.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Found 1330+251 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 20:12:30.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.162 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.160 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.158 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Found 1330+251 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 20:13:30.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM Found 1330+251 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 20:14:00.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:17 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:18 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:18 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:18 FILLM Found 1329+271 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 20:14:50.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:18 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.159 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:18 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.158 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:18 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.159 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:18 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.160 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:18 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.158 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:18 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:18 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:18 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:18 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Found 1329+271 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 20:17:10.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Found 1329+271 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 20:17:50.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Found 1329+271 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 20:18:20.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Found 1333+255 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 20:19:10.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.163 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.161 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.160 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.159 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Found 1333+255 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 20:21:40.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Found 1333+255 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 20:22:20.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Found 1333+255 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 20:22:50.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Found 1334+299 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 20:23:50.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.160 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.161 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.160 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.158 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.157 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.158 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.160 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.161 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Found 1334+299 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 20:26:20.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Found 1334+299 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 20:27:00.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Found 1334+299 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 20:27:30.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Found 1339+252 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 20:32:00.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.158 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.160 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.158 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.160 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.162 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.163 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.162 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.161 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Found 1339+252 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 20:34:30.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Found 1339+252 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 20:35:10.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Found 1339+252 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 20:35:40.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Found 1348+250 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 20:36:30.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.160 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:19 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.163 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.161 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.164 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.162 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.160 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Found 1348+250 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 20:39:00.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Found 1348+250 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 20:39:40.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Found 1348+250 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 20:40:10.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Found 1348+265 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 20:40:50.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.167 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.168 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.166 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.164 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.163 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.161 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.160 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.163 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Found 1348+265 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 20:43:20.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Found 1348+265 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 20:44:00.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Found 1348+265 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 20:44:30.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Found 1330+251 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 20:48:50.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Found 1330+251 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 20:49:30.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.164 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.162 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Found 1330+251 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 20:50:30.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Found 1330+251 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 20:51:00.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Found 1407+284 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 20:56:00.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Found 1407+284 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 20:56:40.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.161 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.163 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.161 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Found 1407+284 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 20:57:40.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Found 1407+284 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 20:58:10.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Found 1354+286 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 21:02:40.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:20 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.164 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.163 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.161 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.159 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.160 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.162 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Found 1354+286 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 21:05:10.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Found 1354+286 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 21:05:50.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Found 1354+286 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 21:06:20.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Found 1404+288 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 21:07:10.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.166 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.169 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.167 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.163 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.160 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.159 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.158 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Found 1404+288 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 21:09:50.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Found 1404+288 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 21:10:30.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Found 1404+288 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 21:11:00.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Found 1408+283 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 21:11:50.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.166 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.169 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.168 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.165 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.166 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.165 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.166 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.168 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Found 1408+283 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 21:14:10.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Found 1408+283 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 21:14:50.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Found 1408+283 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 21:15:20.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Found 1410+279 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 21:16:10.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.160 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.162 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.164 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.168 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.169 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.170 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.166 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.163 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Found 1410+279 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 21:18:30.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM Found 1410+279 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 21:19:10.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:21 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Found 1410+279 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 21:19:40.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Found 1402+254 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 21:23:50.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.169 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.171 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.174 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.172 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.170 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.168 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.167 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.168 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.171 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.169 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Found 1402+254 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 21:26:30.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Found 1402+254 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 21:27:10.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Found 1402+254 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 21:27:40.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Found 1413+248 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 21:28:40.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.162 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.161 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.162 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.164 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.166 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.165 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.173 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.171 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.168 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.166 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Found 1413+248 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 21:31:10.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Found 1413+248 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 21:31:50.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Found 1413+248 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 21:32:20.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Found 1407+284 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 21:36:20.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Found 1407+284 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 21:37:00.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.162 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.160 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:22 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.161 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Found 1407+284 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 21:38:00.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Found 1407+284 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 21:38:30.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Found 1443+250 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 21:43:10.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Found 1443+250 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 21:43:50.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.168 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.170 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.168 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.166 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Found 1443+250 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 21:44:50.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Found 1443+250 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 21:45:20.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Found 1427+292 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 21:49:10.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.161 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.160 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.159 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.161 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.162 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.163 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.162 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.161 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Found 1427+292 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 21:51:50.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Found 1427+292 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 21:52:30.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Found 1427+292 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 21:53:00.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Found 1428+274 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 21:57:10.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.161 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.162 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.161 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.160 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:24 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.159 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.160 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Found 1428+274 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 21:59:40.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Found 1428+274 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 22:00:20.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Found 1428+274 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 22:00:50.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Found 1443+250 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 22:05:10.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Found 1443+250 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 22:05:50.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.158 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Found 1443+250 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 22:06:50.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Found 1443+250 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 22:07:20.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Found 1407+284 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 22:12:40.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Found 1407+284 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 22:13:20.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.162 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Found 1407+284 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 22:14:20.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Found 1407+284 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 22:14:50.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Found 1430+254 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 22:19:40.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.167 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.165 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.163 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Found 1430+254 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 22:22:10.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Found 1430+254 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 22:22:50.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Found 1430+254 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 22:23:20.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Found 1444+279 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 22:27:30.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.157 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.158 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.159 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.158 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.159 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Found 1444+279 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 22:30:00.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:25 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Found 1444+279 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 22:30:40.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Found 1444+279 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 22:31:10.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Found 1407+284 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 22:36:00.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Found 1407+284 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 22:36:40.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.164 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.163 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Found 1407+284 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 22:37:40.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Found 1407+284 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 22:38:10.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Found 1609+266 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 22:45:30.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Found 1609+266 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 22:46:10.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.163 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.164 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Found 1609+266 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 22:47:10.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Found 1609+266 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 22:47:40.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Found 1530+271 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 22:52:10.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.164 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.165 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.164 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.165 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Found 1530+271 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 22:54:50.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Found 1530+271 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 22:55:30.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Found 1530+271 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 22:56:10.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Found 1533+275 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 23:00:20.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.164 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.163 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.164 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.163 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Found 1533+275 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 23:03:00.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:26 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Found 1533+275 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 23:03:40.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Found 1533+275 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 23:04:10.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Found 1609+266 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 23:09:00.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Found 1609+266 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 23:09:40.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.164 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.165 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Found 1609+266 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 23:10:40.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Found 1609+266 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 23:11:10.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Found 1513+236 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 23:16:50.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Found 1513+236 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 23:17:30.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.167 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.166 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.167 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.166 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Found 1513+236 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 23:18:30.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Found 1513+236 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 23:19:00.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Found 1531+243 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 23:23:10.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.165 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.167 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.165 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.166 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.164 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.165 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Found 1531+243 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 23:25:40.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Found 1531+243 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 23:26:20.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM Found 1531+243 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 23:26:50.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:27 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:28 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:28 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:28 FILLM Found 1540+232 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 23:27:50.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:28 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.166 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:28 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.165 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:28 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.163 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.162 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Found 1540+232 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 23:30:20.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Found 1540+232 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 23:31:00.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Found 1540+232 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 23:31:30.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Found 1552+228 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 23:36:00.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.167 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.166 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Found 1552+228 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 23:38:40.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Found 1552+228 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 23:39:20.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Found 1552+228 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 23:39:50.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Found 1513+236 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 23:44:30.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Found 1513+236 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 23:45:10.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.160 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Found 1513+236 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 23:46:10.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Found 1513+236 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 0/ 23:46:40.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Found 1613+342 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 1/ 00:04:20.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Found 1613+342 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 1/ 00:04:50.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.163 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Found 1613+342 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 1/ 00:05:50.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Found 1613+342 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 1/ 00:06:20.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Found 1600+270 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 1/ 00:11:40.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.167 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.166 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:29 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.165 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Found 1600+270 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 1/ 00:14:10.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Found 1600+270 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 1/ 00:14:50.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Found 1600+270 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 1/ 00:15:20.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Found 1602+268 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 1/ 00:19:30.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.171 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.173 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.171 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Found 1602+268 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 1/ 00:22:00.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Found 1602+268 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 1/ 00:22:40.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Found 1602+268 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 1/ 00:23:10.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Found 1611+269 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 1/ 00:27:00.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.170 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.168 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.167 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Found 1611+269 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 1/ 00:29:20.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Found 1611+269 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 1/ 00:30:00.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Found 1611+269 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 1/ 00:30:30.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Found 1612+263 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 1/ 00:31:20.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.168 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.170 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.168 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.167 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Found 1612+263 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 1/ 00:33:50.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Found 1612+263 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 1/ 00:34:30.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Found 1612+263 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 1/ 00:35:00.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Found 1614+256 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 1/ 00:35:50.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:30 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.168 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Found 1614+256 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 1/ 00:38:10.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Found 1614+256 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 1/ 00:38:50.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Found 1614+256 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 1/ 00:39:20.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Found 1613+342 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 1/ 00:44:10.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Found 1613+342 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 1/ 00:44:50.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.170 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Found 1613+342 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 1/ 00:45:50.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Found 1613+342 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 1/ 00:46:20.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 8.435100 B-D = 8.485100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .X BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Found 1331+305 : 1 50.000 MHz at IAT 1/ 00:51:50.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 22.485100 B-D = 22.435100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .K BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Found 1331+305 : 2 50.000 MHz at IAT 1/ 00:52:30.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.171 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.169 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 4.885100 B-D = 4.835100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .C BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Found 1331+305 : 3 50.000 MHz at IAT 1/ 00:53:30.0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Zenith opacity set to 0.010 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM MCINI: Processing Correlator Code ' ' with 27 antennas. 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Ref. date = 20010914 A-C = 1.464900 B-D = 1.385100 GHz 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Appending new data to: 20010914 .L BAND. 1 disk 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Found 1331+305 : 4 50.000 MHz at IAT 1/ 00:54:00.0 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Read 386366 visibilities from 1 files 1 6 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Number bad nominal sensitivities: ant 1 IF 2 = 1 1 6 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Number bad nominal sensitivities: ant 17 IF 1 = 1 1 6 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Number bad nominal sensitivities: ant 17 IF 4 = 1 1 6 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Number bad nominal sensitivities: ant 20 IF 1 = 22 1 6 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Number bad nominal sensitivities: ant 20 IF 2 = 27 1 6 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Number bad nominal sensitivities: ant 20 IF 3 = 40 1 6 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Number bad nominal sensitivities: ant 20 IF 4 = 2 1 6 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Number bad nominal sensitivities: ant 27 IF 3 = 1 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM Appears to have ended successfully 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:31 FILLM alfirk 31DEC07 TST: Cpu= 22.1 Real= 31 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:32 AIPS Task FILLM has finished 1 0 29-JAN-2007 15:35:32 AIPS indisk pdsk 1 0 29-JAN-2007 15:35:32 AIPS for j=1:checkcat;error 0;egetname j;datachks;end 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:32 AIPS Disk 1 No files needed renumbering 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:32 AIPS Got(1) disk= 1 user=**** type=UV 20010914.L BAND.1 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:34 AIPS Rename 20010914 .L BAND. 1 (UV) on disk 1 cno 1 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:34 AIPS To 20010914 .PREFIX. 1 (UV) on disk 1 cno 1 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:34 UVFIX Task UVFIX (release of 31DEC07) begins 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:34 AIPS Resumes 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:34 UVFIX Create 20010914 .L BAND. 1 (UV) on disk 1 cno 5 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:34 UVFIX Copied AN file from vol/cno/vers 1 1 1 to 1 5 1 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:34 UVFIX Copied NX file from vol/cno/vers 1 1 1 to 1 5 1 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:34 UVFIX Copied SU file from vol/cno/vers 1 1 1 to 1 5 1 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:34 UVFIX Copied FQ file from vol/cno/vers 1 1 1 to 1 5 1 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:34 UVFIX Copied CL file from vol/cno/vers 1 1 1 to 1 5 1 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:34 UVFIX Copied TY file from vol/cno/vers 1 1 1 to 1 5 1 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:34 UVFIX Copied WX file from vol/cno/vers 1 1 1 to 1 5 1 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:34 UVFIX Copied OF file from vol/cno/vers 1 1 1 to 1 5 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:34 UVFIX Processing subarray 1 1 8 29-JAN-2007 15:35:34 UVFIX default: IAT-UTC = 32.0 seconds 1 8 29-JAN-2007 15:35:34 UVFIX leap second entries updated until: 1999-JAN-01 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:34 UVFIX 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:34 UVFIX Appears to have ended successfully 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:34 UVFIX alfirk 31DEC07 TST: Cpu= 0.5 Real= 0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:35 AIPS Task UVFIX has finished 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:35 AIPS Destroyed 1 extension files of type OF 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:35 AIPS Destroyed 1 extension files of type WX 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:35 AIPS Destroyed 1 extension files of type TY 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:35 AIPS Destroyed 1 extension files of type CL 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:35 AIPS Destroyed 1 extension files of type FQ 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:35 AIPS Destroyed 1 extension files of type SU 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:35 AIPS Destroyed 1 extension files of type NX 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:35 AIPS Destroyed 1 extension files of type AN 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:35 AIPS Destroyed 1 extension files of type HI 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:35 AIPS Destroyed UV image file: catno= 1 disk= 1 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:35 AIPS Got(1) disk= 1 user=**** type=UV 20010914.K BAND.1 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:37 AIPS Rename 20010914 .K BAND. 1 (UV) on disk 1 cno 2 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:37 AIPS To 20010914 .PREFIX. 1 (UV) on disk 1 cno 2 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:37 UVFIX Task UVFIX (release of 31DEC07) begins 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:37 AIPS Resumes 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:37 UVFIX Create 20010914 .K BAND. 1 (UV) on disk 1 cno 1 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:37 UVFIX Copied AN file from vol/cno/vers 1 2 1 to 1 1 1 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:37 UVFIX Copied NX file from vol/cno/vers 1 2 1 to 1 1 1 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:37 UVFIX Copied SU file from vol/cno/vers 1 2 1 to 1 1 1 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:37 UVFIX Copied FQ file from vol/cno/vers 1 2 1 to 1 1 1 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:37 UVFIX Copied CL file from vol/cno/vers 1 2 1 to 1 1 1 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:37 UVFIX Copied TY file from vol/cno/vers 1 2 1 to 1 1 1 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:37 UVFIX Copied WX file from vol/cno/vers 1 2 1 to 1 1 1 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:37 UVFIX Copied OF file from vol/cno/vers 1 2 1 to 1 1 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:37 UVFIX Processing subarray 1 1 8 29-JAN-2007 15:35:37 UVFIX default: IAT-UTC = 32.0 seconds 1 8 29-JAN-2007 15:35:37 UVFIX leap second entries updated until: 1999-JAN-01 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:37 UVFIX 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:40 UVFIX Appears to have ended successfully 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:40 UVFIX alfirk 31DEC07 TST: Cpu= 2.7 Real= 3 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:40 AIPS Task UVFIX has finished 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:40 AIPS Destroyed 1 extension files of type OF 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:40 AIPS Destroyed 1 extension files of type WX 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:40 AIPS Destroyed 1 extension files of type TY 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:40 AIPS Destroyed 1 extension files of type CL 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:40 AIPS Destroyed 1 extension files of type FQ 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:40 AIPS Destroyed 1 extension files of type SU 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:40 AIPS Destroyed 1 extension files of type NX 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:40 AIPS Destroyed 1 extension files of type AN 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:40 AIPS Destroyed 1 extension files of type HI 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:40 AIPS Destroyed UV image file: catno= 2 disk= 1 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:40 AIPS Got(1) disk= 1 user=**** type=UV 20010914.X BAND.1 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:42 AIPS Rename 20010914 .X BAND. 1 (UV) on disk 1 cno 3 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:42 AIPS To 20010914 .PREFIX. 1 (UV) on disk 1 cno 3 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:42 UVFIX Task UVFIX (release of 31DEC07) begins 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:42 UVFIX Create 20010914 .X BAND. 1 (UV) on disk 1 cno 2 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:42 UVFIX Copied AN file from vol/cno/vers 1 3 1 to 1 2 1 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:42 UVFIX Copied NX file from vol/cno/vers 1 3 1 to 1 2 1 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:42 UVFIX Copied SU file from vol/cno/vers 1 3 1 to 1 2 1 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:42 UVFIX Copied FQ file from vol/cno/vers 1 3 1 to 1 2 1 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:42 UVFIX Copied CL file from vol/cno/vers 1 3 1 to 1 2 1 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:42 UVFIX Copied TY file from vol/cno/vers 1 3 1 to 1 2 1 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:42 UVFIX Copied WX file from vol/cno/vers 1 3 1 to 1 2 1 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:42 UVFIX Copied OF file from vol/cno/vers 1 3 1 to 1 2 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:42 UVFIX Processing subarray 1 1 8 29-JAN-2007 15:35:42 UVFIX default: IAT-UTC = 32.0 seconds 1 8 29-JAN-2007 15:35:42 UVFIX leap second entries updated until: 1999-JAN-01 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:42 UVFIX 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:42 AIPS Resumes 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:43 UVFIX Appears to have ended successfully 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:43 UVFIX alfirk 31DEC07 TST: Cpu= 0.4 Real= 1 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:43 AIPS Task UVFIX has finished 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:43 AIPS Destroyed 1 extension files of type OF 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:43 AIPS Destroyed 1 extension files of type WX 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:43 AIPS Destroyed 1 extension files of type TY 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:43 AIPS Destroyed 1 extension files of type CL 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:43 AIPS Destroyed 1 extension files of type FQ 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:43 AIPS Destroyed 1 extension files of type SU 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:43 AIPS Destroyed 1 extension files of type NX 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:43 AIPS Destroyed 1 extension files of type AN 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:43 AIPS Destroyed 1 extension files of type HI 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:43 AIPS Destroyed UV image file: catno= 3 disk= 1 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:43 AIPS Got(1) disk= 1 user=**** type=UV 20010914.C BAND.1 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:45 AIPS Rename 20010914 .C BAND. 1 (UV) on disk 1 cno 4 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:45 AIPS To 20010914 .PREFIX. 1 (UV) on disk 1 cno 4 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:45 UVFIX Task UVFIX (release of 31DEC07) begins 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:45 UVFIX Create 20010914 .C BAND. 1 (UV) on disk 1 cno 3 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:45 UVFIX Copied AN file from vol/cno/vers 1 4 1 to 1 3 1 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:45 UVFIX Copied NX file from vol/cno/vers 1 4 1 to 1 3 1 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:45 UVFIX Copied SU file from vol/cno/vers 1 4 1 to 1 3 1 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:45 UVFIX Copied FQ file from vol/cno/vers 1 4 1 to 1 3 1 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:45 UVFIX Copied CL file from vol/cno/vers 1 4 1 to 1 3 1 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:45 UVFIX Copied TY file from vol/cno/vers 1 4 1 to 1 3 1 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:45 AIPS Resumes 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:45 UVFIX Copied WX file from vol/cno/vers 1 4 1 to 1 3 1 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:45 UVFIX Copied OF file from vol/cno/vers 1 4 1 to 1 3 1 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:45 UVFIX Processing subarray 1 1 8 29-JAN-2007 15:35:45 UVFIX default: IAT-UTC = 32.0 seconds 1 8 29-JAN-2007 15:35:45 UVFIX leap second entries updated until: 1999-JAN-01 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:45 UVFIX 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:45 UVFIX Appears to have ended successfully 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:45 UVFIX alfirk 31DEC07 TST: Cpu= 0.4 Real= 0 1 3 29-JAN-2007 15:35:45 AIPS Task UVFIX has finished 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:45 AIPS Destroyed 1 extension files of type OF 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:45 AIPS Destroyed 1 extension files of type WX 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:45 AIPS Destroyed 1 extension files of type TY 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:45 AIPS Destroyed 1 extension files of type CL 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:45 AIPS Destroyed 1 extension files of type FQ 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:45 AIPS Destroyed 1 extension files of type SU 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:45 AIPS Destroyed 1 extension files of type NX 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:45 AIPS Destroyed 1 extension files of type AN 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:45 AIPS Destroyed 1 extension files of type HI 1 4 29-JAN-2007 15:35:45 AIPS Destroyed UV image file: catno= 4 disk= 1 1 0 29-JAN-2007 15:35:45 AIPS for j=1:checkcat;error 0;egetname j;freqchks;end 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:45 AIPS Disk 1 in-CNO 5 renumbered as CNO 4 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:45 AIPS Got(1) disk= 1 user=**** type=UV 20010914.K BAND.1 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:45 AIPS Got(1) disk= 1 user=**** type=UV 20010914.X BAND.1 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:45 AIPS Got(1) disk= 1 user=**** type=UV 20010914.C BAND.1 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:45 AIPS Got(1) disk= 1 user=**** type=UV 20010914.L BAND.1 1 0 29-JAN-2007 15:35:45 AIPS type'EMPTY CATALOG ?' checkcat 1 2 29-JAN-2007 15:35:45 AIPS Disk 1 No files needed renumbering 1 5 29-JAN-2007 15:35:45 AIPS 'EMPTY CATALOG ?' 4 1 0 29-JAN-2007 15:35:45 AIPS tget prtmsg;prtmsg;docrt 1