/home/archive_VLA2/tapes, VLA/XH90013/file_6, public, AG0313, B, 90-Apr-04 12:44:50, 90-Apr-04 13:21:00, 5060, VLA:A, C, VLA Exp, raw, AG313, #/home/archive_VLA2/tapes,VLA/XH90013/file_6,AG313,B,public,900404,1,all,VLAExp NRAO Data Archive - data download report CGI program e2eftp.cgi version : 2.4.92 (host : gila, user : archmgr) You submitted the following name/value pairs : DOWNLOADFTPCHK = Download Checked Files FILENAMESTYLE = USER ARCHIVEROOT = /home/archive/e2e/archive OUTFORMAT = VLA Export PROTOCOL = TEXT-stream COPYFILEROOT = /home/vlbacald-b/vlbacald/vis EMAILADDR = jcrossle@aoc.nrao.edu REMOTEADDR = USERSTRING = AG0313_1990APR04_1 FTPCHECKED = /home/archive_VLA2/tapes,VLA/XH90013/file_6,AG313,B,public,900404,1,all,VLAExp The download processes have been spawned. Your files should appear in the directory that you specified. An email will be sent to : jcrossle@aoc.nrao.edu notifying you of the success or failure of the data transfer. copy project data : AG313 from this archive file : /home/archive_VLA2/tapes/XH90013/file_6 to this output file : /home/vlbacald-b/vlbacald/vis/AG0313_1990APR04_1_1 Download SubArray 1 to /home/vlbacald-b/vlbacald/vis started at Fri Feb 20 12:54:51 MST 2009 - - THAT WAS THE DOWNLOAD LOG - - Runfile /home/vlbacald-b/vlbacald/run/AG0313_1990APR04_1.fill.run made on Fri Feb 20 12:55:11 MST 2009 Using Dec 7 2007 /home/vlbacald-b/vlbacald/bin/AVLAPREP.001 AIPS in /home/vlbacald-b/vlbacald/run/AG0313_1990APR04_1.fill.log /home/vlbacald-b/vlbacald/run/AG0313_1990APR04_1.fill.run finished: Fri Feb 20 12:55:13 MST 2009 Runfile /home/vlbacald-b/vlbacald/run/AG0313_1990APR04_1.0.run made Fri Feb 20 12:55:13 MST 2009 AIPS in /home/vlbacald-b/vlbacald/run/AG0313_1990APR04_1.0.aips.log using AIPS user number 19612 /home/vlbacald-b/vlbacald/run/AG0313_1990APR04_1.0.run started on: Fri Feb 20 20:15:41 MST 2009 /home/vlbacald-b/vlbacald/run/AG0313_1990APR04_1.0.run finished on: Fri Feb 20 21:17:07 MST 2009